Writing for Children:
Ten Simple/Complex Non-Rules to Follow/Break
by Benette Whitmore, PhD

Non-RULE #1:
Think of writing as a solitary experience.
Think of writing as a social experience.

Non- RULE #2:
Go find your stories.
Let your stories find you.

Non- RULE #3:
Embrace your writing process.
Let go of your writing process.

Non- RULE #4:
Think of your story as big.
Think of your story as small.

Non- RULE #5:
Step into your comfort zone. (or... Write when your life is stable.)
Step out of your comfort zone. (or... Write when your life is in chaos.)

Non- RULE #6:
Never take your writing personally.
Always take your writing personally.

Non- RULE #7:
Keep it simple.
Make it complicated.

Non- RULE #8:
Hang loose.
Be uptight.

Non- RULE #9:
Don’t listen.

Non- RULE #10:
Know everything.
Know nothing.